Wednesday, October 19

wednesday - 19/10/05

hey. i juz realised. its gab's 4th month anni.

when i said goodnight to my mom last night, she asked if i was interested in working during the christmas holidays. when i said yeah, and she asked my dad to help me ask ard. this morn, he described a possible job where you throw out the trash in the offices, run errands and MAKE COFFEE.

i know squat about making coffee!! running errands and throwing out the trash is ok. but nvm. i have two and a half weeks to learn how to make coffee. i'll get someone to help me then. yeah.

am starting sch again tmr. dunno how to face everyone with my screwed hair. not that anyone cares but come on. its so noticeable! hai. so far no one said they like it. they cushioned the blow by saying stuff like "well, i just think it doesnt suit you" instead of "so ugly". ah well whats done cant be undone. it'll grow out, i guess.

michi ]|[ 10:06

Monday, October 17

monday - 17/10/05

became a real couch potato yesterday. spent the whole day in front of the tv. and today? well when i woke up i went straight to my dad's computer after my shower. watched a couple of dvds.

i always thought the show ghost was really corny and stuff, but it was really great. dl-ed a couple of songs, and watched seeing double. you know, that s club show..

i've got like the rest of this afternoon and two more days to blow before i head back to school. its gonna be a drag, you know, cuz i've been spending this break doing absolutely nothing. and i mean nothing. well, nothing productive actually.

but at the same time i dont feel like doing anything. just chilling at home. spend a little time with family, that stuff.

think i've been waiting too much of csi. gab and i, actually. yesterday, i was playing with my watch, and she said , "d'you know they can get dna off that watch?" but i really like csi. only the miami one; saw one episode of the ny one and i didnt really like it. i guess i've been used to the miami one. horatio caine is damn cool ^_^v

yeah i gotta go.. i wanna go see if there're anymore dvds lying ard that i havent watched yet. tah.

michi ]|[ 17:08

Saturday, October 15

saturday - 15/10/05

horatio caine is so cool can. spent the hols watching csi : miami on dvd.

didnt step out of the house except monday, i think, to pick up my shuffle. its brand new cuz its under warranty. heard this girl quarrel with the guy behind the counter cuz her mini's under warranty but its not in the records so she has to pay or produce the invoice, which she doesnt have with her. duno what happened in the end; she was still arguing with the guy after i left.

argh im bored out of my gourd. theres nothing to do, and i've almost finished watching the first season of csi. thats all i have anyway.

oh, managed to dl russell peters. laughed like crazy. alright i wanna go eat. tah.

michi ]|[ 13:38

Thursday, October 13

thursday - 13/10/05

well. 6 more days before we go back for extra lessons. dont feel like starting into sec5. i wanna stay in sec4. haiz. and art is first period. HAIZ.

all i've been doing is dl-ing songs, watching tv programmes, and episodes of csi miami. it was nice and a way to pass the time, but i got spooked at night.

im trying ta dl russell peters but it takes really long to dl. its been dl-ing for the past 2-3 hours i think. and only 66%! so slow~

bored. tink i'll watch one episode of csi before going to watch wang zi bian qing wa!

michi ]|[ 18:13

Tuesday, October 11

tuesday - 11/10/05

alright. so we went to nuh for our dental appointment. and turned out we went to the wrong hospital -_- i mean how were we supposed to know that we were supposed to go to sgh? they didnt write it on the letter anyway. okay, there was a map of the building and there was this print that read sgh block 2. how to see?!

i called to reschedule cuz we were too late, and the lady on the other line was so bui song. im not gonna call to reschedule my appointment. i'll get my mom to call or something.

well. exams are over. and i'm bored crapless. gab's been going out a lot since saturday, so i guess she's not as bored as me.

supposed to go to wheelock to collect my shuffle. its alr fixed so i gotta collect it within 6 weeks or they'll re-sell it or something. but lazy to go down.

went to the airport on saturday i think. yeah. at about three in the afternoon. took the train down, n spent like 2 hours there. by myself. haha. weird right. well i nided someplace by myself and home isnt really ideal. shucks, should've went to wheelock on the way back.

argh i cant believe we gotta wait till december to collect our results. i tell you, i'll be back in school on the first day that they released the results. what a way to put the results. right at the end of the hols, and you cant have a good time until you know where you're going. i hope i pass w/ flying colours though. my mom made me promise to get 5 points n below.

i'd really rather go back to school. cuz its really BORING here at home with nothing to do. dun feel like going out also. argh. and im sum kind of rash on my face too. argh its so itchy.

oh, n read "a peacegiver". its something like the pilgrim's progress. if you like the pilgrim's progress, you'll like a peacegiver. my dad loaned me the book when i complained of boredom, and i like it.

alrighty. i gotta go. tah.

michi ]|[ 11:34

Tuesday, October 4

tuesday - 4/10/05

stupid cookies. it's finally enabled. wonder why they call it cookies anyway.

its the 4th. second day of exams. and im doing pretty well. monday was english one and two, and history. today was maths 1. english one and two were okay, but i got kind of demoralized when mrs quah went to my table to check my paper during the exam, n sighed. there's only one meaning to that sigh. aft the exam she "scolded" me, saying i didnt check when she said to. eeps. i had a couple wrong in cloze passage and one or two in the section B. she'd told a few of us who hanged ard outside the examination centre.

anywaaaay. history ... ah. i crammed and pia-ed WWII insanely and ..... it didnt come out for SEQ!! it came out for SBQ instead -__- what were the odds?? im so screwed lah but luckily there was russia for SEQ. but beaver said i lost about 5 marks cuz i didnt give stalin's alternative ways for a better russia. i nvr knew how he ruled russia. but i think its a beautiful country. AND HITLER COMMITTED SUICIDE. HAHA.

well. stayed back yesterday afternoon. planned to head home but decided to go to L@F cuz nicole wanted tuition on balancing eqns. imagine. me! a tutor. bravo.

anw ms thio was there n she told me to do the maths 1 and 2 paper she gave us earlier on. so i did. and most of the time she was there to coach me and my sis. mr lum came into L@F too, and gave us gummy! stuffed myself stupid. its amazing how cum we didnt hear buzzing sounds aft that.

well i got like, 80% for paper 1. yahoo-ed and got really confident. talked to ms thio for awhile.. was nice. asked her questions abt the paper and stuff like that. left school ard 8 cuz the school had to be locked up alr haha. she told us one effective way of double-checking our paper was to cover the answers and do everything again.

so thats what i did this morning. finished the paper and did everything again. i was so careless that i changed a couple of my answers. thank God for the efficient amount of time.

was on teh bus n this couple was behind me from another sch talking about the N level maths exam [it was the same cuz its an international exam]. i accidentally overheard [its hard not to overhear. the whole bus was filled with their voices] them discussing one question. the 8.3 divided by 1/2 one [there's no divide sign on the keyboard -_-]. they said the answer was 4.15 but the guy accidentally put 4.12. but i got 16.6 leh. 8.3 divided by half is 16.6 wad. you overturn the numbers to multiply with 8.3.. but i check with gab n she said 16.6 was correct.

came back and had lunch with my two grandmas and my aunt. yum. watched a bit of tv, then came into the room to study. reinforced for chem and studied physics. gee i really want to get under 5 points for N'level. i got 7 points for the prelims so im rather down abt that. missed the next grade by one mark and stuff like that.

but they say if you get a 3 and 4 for your prelims, you'll have no problem getting your 1s and 2s. i hope thats the case. really scared. but the annoying thing is that you gotta wait till december to get back your results, and you have to go back to school. hmph. now we cant enjoy our holidays cuz we'll be fretting over the results. i hope 100% comes back for next year though.

shumei ah shumei ... 13 points for prelim wun get you anywhere except across the road.. each sub average 3 points and you'll be able to pass. your chinese is good wad .. get a 1 lor so you'll have an easier time on the other subjects. and pass art! speaking of art, im not finished with my prep work yet. ahhh! stress!

michi ]|[ 15:55